Soft, Yummy and Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Cookies,
Soft, Yummy and Delicious!

The Greek philosopher Epicurus believed that there are only three essential components to achieving happiness in life – (1) Friendship, (2) Freedom and (3) Thought.  He obviously never tasted my Chocolate Chip Cookies.  They could very well be the best chocolate chip cookies you’ll ever taste.  I mean, with apologies to the Hedonists out there, these things are downright decadent.  So if you want to put a smile on your face and find your own little corner of the promised land give this recipe a try.
The recipe is easy to make!  It requires no electrical gadgets (except maybe an oven), only a small pan, a couple bowls, a wooden spoon, cookie sheets and of course the ingredients.  Here’s how to make them:

2 3/4 cup (340 g) flour
1/2  tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup (116 g) sugar, granulated
1/2 cups (300 g) dark brown sugar
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
16 Tbsp (226 g) unsalted butter, cut up into about 1 teaspoons
1 1/2  cup of either milk chocolate or semisweet chocolate chips
couple tablespoons of course sea salt for topping

This recipe will make around 36 cookies using a number 40 ice cream scoop or a tablespoon.  

Preheat the oven to 375 F. Line 3 large baking sheets with parchment paper.

In a medium size bowl combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt. Whisk and set aside.

In medium saucepan over medium heat melt the 14 tablespoons of butter.  Using a wooden spoon, stir the butter until butter is golden brown and has nutty aroma, about 10 minutes. Once the butter is done, remove the pan from heat.

Transfer the butter to a large mixing bowl, add the remainder of the butter, and stir until all of the butter is melted. 

Add both sugars and vanilla, stirring until well incorporated and smooth. 

Next add the eggs and mix well, making sure there are no lumps in the mixture. Let the mixture rest for 3 minutes, then beat the mixture for 30 seconds, using a wooden spoon. Repeat the process 3 more times until the mixture is thick.

As the mixture cools, it will change in color from dark brown to medium brown and will have a caramel smell.

Using a wooden spoon, add the half of flour and mix.  Then add the remainder of the flour and mix well. 

Add the chocolate chips to the mixture, mix.

Using a medium size ice cream spoon or a tablespoon, scoop the dough and arrange 2 inches apart on the cookie sheet.

Optonal for the salt lovers, sprinkle coarse salt on top of the dough cookie.

Bake one tray a time for about 7 to 9 minutes, until cookies are golden brown and still puffy.

Cool the cookies and enjoy!
