
Luclare Cuisine

If you have been following our previous blogs you've probably gotten the general impression that the focus here in our small corner of the Internet is primarily on Polish cuisine (hence the prior blogging episodes on things like Pierogi, Bigos, Cabbage and Noodles, etc).  So why, you may be asking yourself, are Luci and Clare suddenly pivoting to the more Italian-oriented Gnocchi?  After all, Luci is pure-bred Polish and Clare is an Irish/Scottish/English mix (if she were a dog she would make an absolutely gorgeous Collie).  In any case, what’s so Polish about Gnocchi?  Well, nothing actually, but there is some meaningful similarity to a dumpling of Polish heritage known as Kopytka (the subject of one of our previous posts).  So this time the choice was easy - Gnocchi or Kopytka - we picked the one with the easier name to pronounce.  Either way the result will be very similar - an appetizer or side dish that is easy to make, tastes delicious and can’t possibly be spelled phonetically.

So, let’s get on with the cooking… 

3 1/2 oz (100 g) flour, all purpose
14 oz (400 g) boiled/steamed mashed potatoes, russet or yukon
1 large  (around 57 g w/o shell) egg
1 1/2 tsp sea salt

Note: Russet potatoes are high in starch, low in moisture. Red or New potatoes are waxy, low starch and creamy. Yukon potatoes are medium starch, some call them the true all-purpose potato. Most gnocchi recipes use either russet or yukon potatoes.

This will yield 2 to 4 servings, depending on the appetite.

Step 1 - In a large pot of salted boiling water, steam the potatoes, you can steam them either peeled or unpeeled until tender when pierced with a fork. When done let them cool.  If the potatoes where unpeeled, peel them.  Then place them in a large bowl and mash well. Note potatoes will mash easier when warm not cold.

Step 2 - Once potatoes are lukewarm, in a large bowl combine all the ingredients, potatoes, flour, egg, salt, pepper.

Step 3 - With a wooden spoon, mix well, cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 5 minutes.

Step 4 - Place the dough on a lightly floured surface, the dough will be sticky, so lightly cover your hands with flour, knead the dough for a couple of minutes. Try to resist adding more flour, the more flour you add the tougher the gnocchi will be.


Then divide the dough into 4 equal pieces.

Using your palms, roll each piece into a rope about 3/4 inch thick

Then cut the each rope into about 3/4 inch pieces.

or flatten each piece to about 3/4 inch thick

than using a knife or pastry cutter cut each piece to about 3/4 inch squares

Step 5 - In a large pot of generously salted boiling water, in batches cook the gnocchi. Once the gnocchi float to the surface, cook them for about a minute.

Using a skimmer, transfer them to a strainer.

After about a minute transfer them to a plate or a bowl, top them with your favorite sauce or toss with butter, sprinkle fresh Parmesan shavings and fresh basil leaves.

Below are some more suggestions:

1) In a large pan add about a 1 tablespoon of oil or butter, sauté about 1/2 of medium chopped onion, add about a cup of either sliced Italian sausage, ham, pork belly, or bacon, sauté, add the gnocchi. Serve.

2) In a large pan add about 2 tablespoons of oil, saute about 1/2 of medium onion, add broccoli florets, cauliflower, add the gnocchi. Serve.

3) In a medium pan add a jar of your favorite tomato sauce, add about 1/3 cup of heavy cream, season to taste. Serve.

4) Top gnocchi with your favorite alfredo or cheese sauce. Serve

Buon appetito!
