Pumkin Cream Tart

                                Pumpkin Cream Tart

Luclare Cuisine

This dessert is like those 2 for 1 Black Friday Specials you will all be waking up at 3:30 Friday morning for:

Last year this time we blogged about our delicious Apple Tart recipe and suggested that for Thanksgiving instead of, or in addition to, the traditional apple pie you try our Apple Tart. Hope you did and loved it like we do. This year we are suggesting you try another of our tarts - the Pumpkin Cream Tart. 

As you know from our previous blog Clare makes delicious pies.  But I love tarts. So this Thanksgiving we created this creamy, light and just perfect Pumpkin Cream Tart. The crust is buttery, no flour taste and yet light.  The cream filling has just enough pumpkin flavor, a touch of cinnamon and freshly ground nutmeg to excite any palate.  The cream is versatile because it's texture is similar to a mousse.  You can even serve the cream by itself - just top it with fresh whipped cream. This tart is like our others, it’s absolutely delicious but the best part is it’s easy to make.  With the Holidays coming up it’s sure to be a big hit at any gathering.  

To make the tart pastry all you need is 5 ingredients (listed below) a medium pot and a 9 inch tart pastry pan  (with removable bottom).  You can use the round, square or miniature ones, or if you don’t have a tart pan you can use a spring cake form. The pastry is made in a medium pot on top of the stove. A wooden spoon is best for mixing these ingredients. Then it's spread in the tart pastry pan, then it's baked. You’re going bake the tart pastry in a preheated oven at 400 F for 18 minutes.

To make the Pumpkin Cream you will need the ingredients (listed below),  Also you will need one medium pot and a whisk. 

Note: This tart is best when prepared a day ahead. Also, it will keep fresh for a couple of days when covered and stored in the refrigerator.

So let's get baking!

Ingredients for Pastry Tart:
12 Tbsp (168g) unsalted butter
1 1/4 c (192 g) all purpose flour
1 Tbsp ( g) sugar                          
3 Tbsp of milk, whole                          
1/2  tsp salt 

Ingredients for Pumpkin Cream:
15 oz (415 g) pumpkin puree
1 cup heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
3 egg yolks, whisked
1/2 cup (75 g) brown sugar
1/4 cup (55 g) sugar
4 tsp (11 g) cornstarch
1/4 cup of whole milk

Step 1
To prepare the pastry, in a medium pot melt the butter, add the sugar, milk, salt. Over low to medium heat bring it to a boil, turn off the heat. 

Add the flour and with a wooden spoon, quickly mix all ingredients until they pull away from the sides of the bowl and form a ball.

Place the dough in the tart pan, using either a wooden spoon or fingertips press the dough evenly over the bottom and up the sides of the pan, and bake.

Bake the tart pastry at 400 F for about 18 minutes. 

Once the pastry tart is done, set aside to cool until ready to use. 

Step 2
To prepare the cream, in a small bowl combine milk and cornstarch, mix until the cornstarch is dissolved, set aside.

In medium pot combine pumpkin puree, heavy cream, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, egg yolks, brown sugar, sugar, salt, whisk.

Next add the milk/cornstarch, stir the ingredients with a whisk.

Place the pot over medium heat and keep stirring until the cream thickens and starts to bubble. After it bubbles continue to cook while stirring for a couple of minutes.

Remove from heat. 

Step 3 
Put the tart together: fill the tart with the pumpkin cream. Let it cool.

Top it with whipped cream.

Or, for our gluten free friends, you can serve just the pumpkin cream topped with whipped cream.

Luclare Cuisine!


  1. This is the easiest and most yummy tart I ever made. All on the stovetop - amazing! I served it as one of three deserts at Thanksgiving dinner and it was a huge hit with everyone. I had deserts left over, so I freeze them all and the tart was the first one gone from the freezer! Whoever is reading this.. you gonna make it! it's delish!
    Eva Blanpied


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