
Luclare Cuisine

All around the mulberry bush….

Anyone who has ever had a Jack-in-the-Box knows the old English tune “Pop! Goes the Weasel”.  (Sorry - now you’ll have that tune running endlessly through your head for the next few hours.)  A Jack-in-the-Box has absolutely nothing to do with baking but another, even older, English creation does - Yorkshire Pudding - a classic accompaniment to traditional English roasts.  OK - so, where are we going with this?  Well, an American variation on the traditional Yorkshire Pudding is called a “Popover”.  At the climactic point in the baking process the batter “pops” over the top of the baking tin - sort of like that Clown does from the old Jack-in-the-Box.  Now, if you are authentically English, this is the point where you vehemently object to the suggestion that Yorkshire Pudding is anything like a pedestrian American Popover.  Recognizing that there may be arguments to be made on both sides of the issue we will exercise our considerable diplomacy skills and simply avoid further engaging the question.  The only thing we can say with certainty is that our easy to make Popover recipe really tastes great!  We invite you to try them for breakfast, lunch, dinner or whenever you want a little "pop" in your day. 

As the song says “That’s the way the money goes….”

So, let’s get on with the cooking…

1 cup (142 g) all purpose unbleached flour
1 cup whole milk
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp (18 g) unsalted butter, melted
2 extra large eggs, whisked

This recipe will yield 6 popovers. Preheat the oven to 425 F; bake the popovers for 30 minutes and once you put the popovers in the oven - don't open it for the full 30 minutes.

Three other points to remember:

1.   preheat the buttered popover pan for 3 to 5 minutes before adding the batter
2.   when baking, make sure there’s no other pans in the oven - only the popover pan 
3.   bake on the lowest rack so the air gets to the popovers evenly

Note: we recommend you use conventional settings in your oven - not convectionConvection setting circulates the air inside the oven - it's great and efficient but the circulation of air bakes the outside quicker than the inside.  This will cause uneven baking - so don't use the convection setting.

In a large bowl combine all of the ingredients:

Using a wooden spoon mix until all ingredients are blended well and the batter is smooth:

Using a 1/3 measuring cup fill the pre-heated popover pan and distribute the batter evenly among the six popovers:

Once the pan is filled place the pan in the preheated oven - on the lowest rack - and bake for 30 minutes.  Remember ... no peeking!

So here are the popovers!
Easy to make!
Delicious to taste!

For a video of this recipe go to YouTube channel luclare cuisine!


Luclare Cuisine!


  1. I am going to try these tonight; I inherited a pan I have never used so this is the day!


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