Sauteed Breadcrumbs in Butter

Sauteed Breadcrumbs in Butter
Luclare Cuisine

In the old fairy tale “Hansel & Gretel” two little German children devise a clever plan to leave a trail of breadcrumbs as a means of finding their way out of the woods.  It seems these poor kids had an evil Stepmother who wanted them out of the way and she tries to “lose” them in the woods.  There always seems to be an evil Stepmother in these fairy tales.  I don’t know, Stepmother’s seem to get a bad rap in these old stories – all the Stepmother’s I have ever encountered have been really nice people who wouldn’t dream of losing the kids in the woods.  

Anyway, back to Hansel & Gretel – it turns out the plan doesn’t work too well – birds eat the breadcrumbs - the kids get lost in the woods, captured by an evil Witch and almost cooked in an oven.  Even though the ill-fated breadcrumb plan wasn’t too effective the kids are clever enough to trick the Witch and they manage to escape unharmed (not so for the Witch – she ends up getting baked in her own oven).  The kids manage to pull off a happy ending after all.

If you’re interested in happy endings for your Holiday dinners and an easy way to spruce up what might otherwise be a boring vegetable dish - try thinking like Hansel & Gretel.  Let’s be clear - I don’t mean baking a Witch at 450 degrees in your convection oven.  Instead, you can leave a trail of breadcrumbs on your vegetables and, unlike poor Hansel & Gretel, your plan will work flawlessly.  Assuming they don’t get eaten by birds before you sit down to dinner, the breadcrumbs will enhance the flavor of the veggies, take a fraction of the time it takes to make a more calorie-laden sauce and make things a little more festive.

So let’s get on with the cooking…


4 Tbsp of unsalted butter
1/4 c of plain breadcrumbs

In a medium pot over medium heat melt the butter, add 1/4 c of plain breadcrumbs, mix, sauté until golden brown, add about 1/4 teaspoon of salt if needed.

Steam or cook cauliflower and string beans, strain, top with the breadcrumbs, toss and serve.

For the video of this recipe go to:

Happy Thanksgiving
To All of Our Readers
Enjoy, Smacznego!
